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The best resources available for earning more.
The best resources available for earning more.

Strategies for Earning More

Giving Yourself a Raise
Written by Jim Marsch on July 1st, 2022
How many times have you said, “I just want to make more money!” Well, what's holding you back?
Good ahead. Work yourself into a raise. What I mean is, you don't have to rely on just your employer. You can do it for you! You deserve it! If you haven't already done it, it's time. Time to give yourself a raise by “thinking outside the box”.

You’re free to do whatever you want, as long as it is legal, moral and ethical. Use your freedom to your advantage! Start working in your spare time to reach your goals. If you have a job, it is typically a 9 – 5. It pays what it pays, but you want more. As we all know, no one is going to just give it to you. It's going to take work and commitment.

What can you do?

Before I answer that, answer this question... What do I really love to do?

Let's face it, if you are going to work extra, wouldn't it be easier to do something with which you have passion?

Take advantage of that and do something in that area. Recognize that if you enjoy it a lot, you may just wind up replacing your current employment with it. Wouldn't that be something?

So, what can you do? Fixate on a side hustle. The list of possible side hustles are endless and range in all sorts of options.

Some require your actual physical participation and time. If you love animals, you could go into pet sitting. Maybe you'd love to house sit. Maybe you love to drive and meet people. Uber driver, perhaps? Construction companies always need help. Maybe you could get on with one part time on the weekends. These would likely be commercial companies that would teach you skills that would give you job security. Hey, if it is what you love, why not? The point is, give yourself added income on your terms.

Think outside the box

How about some things that are not so quid pro quo. Let's go further outside the box, shall we?

Look around your home. See anything that you haven't used for a year and won't in the near future? You know, you can sell it online. Maybe you could use the money from that stuff to buy items in auctions or online auctions. Then, sell it for a profit and do it again. There are bargains galore out there. If you have an interest in this, you can make some great money. A lot of people are doing it.

Another thing that people are doing for a side hustle is making videos and posting them on social media.

This is a fun way to spend your extra time. It's different from the previous ways because it is not a straight forward ‘if you do this, you get that’. It’s a way to eventually make extra money.
However, in the beginning, statistically speaking, you won't. However, if you practice, practice and practice, which would be fun because you are passionate about it, it could pay off huge.

Speaking of paying off huge, create an online store front. There are several companies that will help you with this. They can provide the template for a fee. Figure out what it is that you want to sell, something that you love ie: car parts, computer parts, candy, etc. Start approaching companies that manufacture these and learn how you can become a dealer. You see, manufacturers are interested in manufacturing, not necessarily selling to the general public. They look for help by offering opportunities to a middle man.

That's where you could come in. I suggest that you look for companies where you could drop ship their products.

This means that you never have to hold an inventory. You just have to provide a website that offers their products to the general public. You become their marketing and sales team. Your investment is only what it costs for the website.

By building this kind of a company, you would be building an actual residual income. It would also be somewhat passive income depending on the amount of customer service that you would have to provide.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

The more automated you become, the less you have to participate. Passive residual income is the best kind you can make. Make enough of it and you will never have to work again. This is what makes multi-level marketing companies so interesting. This brings up another, “Outside of the Box” subject.

The point is do what you love. Practice, practice, practice. Never give up and strive to be the best.


So, now you have more money coming in. What are you going to do with it? Why not put it into a position that will make it grow. We used to be able to grow our money with savings accounts. Those days are in the past. The interest rates are way too low. I'm sure if you are reading this, then you have already come up with other ways to help your money grow.

Even so, here are some ways that you may have not considered. I'll start with the basic 401K's.

Companies can offer a matching 401K account. If they do, you can put in as much as they will match. Outside of that, use your money in other ways. To name a few there are Stocks, Stock Options, Cryptocurrencies, precious metals, NFT's, Futures, Bonds & Mutual Funds.

There are also ways to leverage your money. Did you know that you can borrow against your 401K? If you own a home, you can leverage it by taking out a second mortgage. This applies to rental properties as well. You can leverage them to have a down payment for the next one. You may even have or can purchase a life insurance policy that provides compound interest. You may even be able to borrow on that. Then use the borrowed money to invest in money making vehicles that you want.


Look around you for opportunities. Don't be hasty. Pay attention to the signs. Have patience. Always base your decision on opportunity costs and compound interest. Practice playing the Cashflow Classic game that Robert Kiyosaki made and learn to invest risk free with StockTrak.com.

Recognize that you can take control of your financial life. It's not always easy and may require lots of work, but it can be done. Wealthy people have been thinking outside the box for a while, now. Use the tools that we have gathered on this site to help you achieve your goals. Live life on your terms. Give yourself that well deserved raise.
How can I Earn More?
Freelance on Fiverr or Upwork.
Become a delivery driver for Doordash, Instcart or Postmates. Invest using M1 Finance, Betterment, Robinhood, Stash, Webull or Acorns. The possibilities are endless.

About the Author: Jim Marsch

Jim is a jack of all trades. In 1982 he graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. Jim has previously managed hotels and freestanding resturants and later became a master carpenter after creating his own company Castlewood Carpentry Inc.
Recommended Reading:
The world of Investing can seem a little overwhelming. This guide lists all of the tools that make the world of investing easier to understand.
Tired of being stuck in the same old, dead end job? Maybe you're thinking about starting one of these side hustles, here's what you need to know...
How can I Earn More?
Freelance on Fiverr or Upwork.
Become a delivery driver for Doordash, Instcart or Postmates. Invest using M1 Finance, Betterment, Robinhood, Stash, Webull or Acorns. The possibilities are endless.
Giving Yourself a Raise
Written by Jim Marsch on July 1st, 2022
How many times have you said, “I just want to make more money!” Well, what's holding you back?
Good ahead. Work yourself into a raise. What I mean is, you don't have to rely on just your employer. You can do it for you! You deserve it! If you haven't already done it, it's time. Time to give yourself a raise by “thinking outside the box”.

You’re free to do whatever you want, as long as it is legal, moral and ethical. Use your freedom to your advantage! Start working in your spare time to reach your goals. If you have a job, it is typically a 9 – 5. It pays what it pays, but you want more. As we all know, no one is going to just give it to you. It's going to take work and commitment.

What can you do?

Before I answer that, answer this question... What do I really love to do?

Let's face it, if you are going to work extra, wouldn't it be easier to do something with which you have passion?

Take advantage of that and do something in that area. Recognize that if you enjoy it a lot, you may just wind up replacing your current employment with it. Wouldn't that be something?

So, what can you do? Fixate on a side hustle. The list of possible side hustles are endless and range in all sorts of options.

Some require your actual physical participation and time. If you love animals, you could go into pet sitting. Maybe you'd love to house sit. Maybe you love to drive and meet people. Uber driver, perhaps? Construction companies always need help. Maybe you could get on with one part time on the weekends. These would likely be commercial companies that would teach you skills that would give you job security. Hey, if it is what you love, why not? The point is, give yourself added income on your terms.

Think outside the box

How about some things that are not so quid pro quo. Let's go further outside the box, shall we?

Look around your home. See anything that you haven't used for a year and won't in the near future? You know, you can sell it online. Maybe you could use the money from that stuff to buy items in auctions or online auctions. Then, sell it for a profit and do it again. There are bargains galore out there. If you have an interest in this, you can make some great money. A lot of people are doing it.

Another thing that people are doing for a side hustle is making videos and posting them on social media.

This is a fun way to spend your extra time. It's different from the previous ways because it is not a straight forward ‘if you do this, you get that’. It’s a way to eventually make extra money.
However, in the beginning, statistically speaking, you won't. However, if you practice, practice and practice, which would be fun because you are passionate about it, it could pay off huge.

Speaking of paying off huge, create an online store front. There are several companies that will help you with this. They can provide the template for a fee. Figure out what it is that you want to sell, something that you love ie: car parts, computer parts, candy, etc. Start approaching companies that manufacture these and learn how you can become a dealer. You see, manufacturers are interested in manufacturing, not necessarily selling to the general public. They look for help by offering opportunities to a middle man.

That's where you could come in. I suggest that you look for companies where you could drop ship their products.

This means that you never have to hold an inventory. You just have to provide a website that offers their products to the general public. You become their marketing and sales team. Your investment is only what it costs for the website.

By building this kind of a company, you would be building an actual residual income. It would also be somewhat passive income depending on the amount of customer service that you would have to provide.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

The more automated you become, the less you have to participate. Passive residual income is the best kind you can make. Make enough of it and you will never have to work again. This is what makes multi-level marketing companies so interesting. This brings up another, “Outside of the Box” subject.

The point is do what you love. Practice, practice, practice. Never give up and strive to be the best.


So, now you have more money coming in. What are you going to do with it? Why not put it into a position that will make it grow. We used to be able to grow our money with savings accounts. Those days are in the past. The interest rates are way too low. I'm sure if you are reading this, then you have already come up with other ways to help your money grow.

Even so, here are some ways that you may have not considered. I'll start with the basic 401K's.

Companies can offer a matching 401K account. If they do, you can put in as much as they will match. Outside of that, use your money in other ways. To name a few there are Stocks, Stock Options, Cryptocurrencies, precious metals, NFT's, Futures, Bonds & Mutual Funds.

There are also ways to leverage your money. Did you know that you can borrow against your 401K? If you own a home, you can leverage it by taking out a second mortgage. This applies to rental properties as well. You can leverage them to have a down payment for the next one. You may even have or can purchase a life insurance policy that provides compound interest. You may even be able to borrow on that. Then use the borrowed money to invest in money making vehicles that you want.


Look around you for opportunities. Don't be hasty. Pay attention to the signs. Have patience. Always base your decision on opportunity costs and compound interest. Practice playing the Cashflow Classic game that Robert Kiyosaki made and learn to invest risk free with StockTrak.com.

Recognize that you can take control of your financial life. It's not always easy and may require lots of work, but it can be done. Wealthy people have been thinking outside the box for a while, now. Use the tools that we have gathered on this site to help you achieve your goals. Live life on your terms. Give yourself that well deserved raise.

About the Author: Jim Marsch

Jim is a jack of all trades. In 1982 he graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. Jim has previously managed hotels and freestanding resturants and later became a master carpenter after creating his own company Castlewood Carpentry Inc.
Recommended Reading:
The world of Investing can seem a little overwhelming. This guide lists all of the tools that make the world of investing easier to understand.
Tired of being stuck in the same old, dead end job? Maybe you're thinking about starting one of these side hustles, here's what you need to know...

Learn How to Earn More

Learn How to Earn More

CEO's Top Pick

This book can CHANGE your life!
Expand the way you think money works. 
This great narrative explores the differences between the actions of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad vs his Poor Dad.

A Must Read

Cashflow Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It teaches the differences between the four different cashflow quadrants, E, S, B and I.

Best Value

Seize control of your financial future with rock-solid advice from two of the world’s leading investment experts.

You've probably heard of

Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?"

Gain Perspective

The Millionaire Next Door identifies seven common traits that show up again and again among those who have accumulated wealth.

Back to Basics

This book shows you how to amass personal wealth by sharing the secrets of the ancient Babylonians, who were the first to discover the universal laws of prosperity.

CEO's Top Pick

This book can CHANGE your life!
Expand the way you think money works. 
This great narrative explores the differences between the actions of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad vs his Poor Dad.

A Must Read

Cashflow Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It teaches the differences between the four different cashflow quadrants, E, S, B and I.

Best Value

Seize control of your financial future with rock-solid advice from two of the world’s leading investment experts.

You've probably heard of

Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?"

Gain Perspective

The Millionaire Next Door identifies seven common traits that show up again and again among those who have accumulated wealth.

Back to Basics

This book shows you how to amass personal wealth by sharing the secrets of the ancient Babylonians, who were the first to discover the universal laws of prosperity.

The Best Education Resource

Investing in Education is a must. When you have your life savings on the line, you need to be a subject matter expert.

The Best Education Resource

Investing in Education is a must. When you have your life savings on the line, you need to be a subject matter expert.
In our opinion, StockTrak has the BEST online investment simulator. Users have the ability to practice trading real time with fake money. Starting with $1,000,000.00, users can invest in any stock, stock option, mutual fund, bond, cryptocurrency, etc. without any risk!
In our opinion, StockTrak has the BEST online investment simulator. Users have the ability to practice trading real time with fake money. Starting with $1,000,000.00, users can invest in any stock, stock option, mutual fund, bond, cryptocurrency, etc. without any risk! Practice investing with StockTrak!

Ways to Earn More

Ways to Earn More

Investing Apps

There are many different places where you can make investments, but the easiest way is to invest using mobile apps.

Investing Apps

There are many different places where you can make investments, but the easiest way is to invest using mobile apps.
M1 Finance let's manage your finances with ease. Invest, borrow, and spend on one intuitive platform. Customize your strategies, automate the big picture, and let The Finance Super App take care of the day-to-day—commission-free.
Betterment uses automated technology to make investing easier, better, and more accessible. They custom-build portfolios with low-cost, diversified ETFs and automatically adjust your portfolio as new and better funds become available.
Robinhood is an easy to use platform that let's you invest in stocks, stock options, ETFs and cryptocurrency. Other crypto exchanges charge up to 4% just to buy and sell crypto. Robinhood charges 0%. Get BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, and more with as little as $1.
Stash is a personal finance app that can help anyone improve their financial life. From budgeting to saving for retirement, Stash unites banking, investing, and advice all in one app that helps over 6 million people reach their financial goals–all for one low monthly price.
Webull offers an advanced and fully customizable desktop platform. You can consolidate your watchlists, analyze charts, place orders, and check your positions across all of Webull's platforms (mobile, PC, and web). Stay current with the markets and manage your investments wherever you are.
Acorns helps you save and invest spare change by rounding up purchases to the nearest dollar. Bank smarter, add bits of Bitcoin to your ETF portfolio, and more. Signing up only takes minutes!
M1 Finance let's manage your finances with ease. Invest, borrow, and spend on one intuitive platform. Customize your strategies, automate the big picture, and let The Finance Super App take care of the day-to-day—commission-free. Start investing with M1 Finance!
Betterment uses automated technology to make investing easier, better, and more accessible. They custom-build portfolios with low-cost, diversified ETFs and automatically adjust your portfolio as new and better funds become available. Start investing with Betterment!
Robinhood is an easy to use platform that let's you invest in stocks, stock options, ETFs and cryptocurrency. Other crypto exchanges charge up to 4% just to buy and sell crypto. Robinhood charges 0%. Get BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, and more with as little as $1. Start investing with Robinhood!
Stash is a personal finance app that can help anyone improve their financial life. From budgeting to saving for retirement, Stash unites banking, investing, and advice all in one app that helps over 6 million people reach their financial goals–all for one low monthly price. Start investing with Stash!
Webull offers an advanced and fully customizable desktop platform. You can consolidate your watchlists, analyze charts, place orders, and check your positions across all of Webull's platforms (mobile, PC, and web). Stay current with the markets and manage your investments wherever you are. Start investing with Webull!
Acorns helps you save and invest spare change by rounding up purchases to the nearest dollar. Bank smarter, add bits of Bitcoin to your ETF portfolio, and more. Signing up only takes minutes! Start investing with Acorns!

The Best Investment Research Tool

In the world of investing research is the name of the game, grab the best Investment Research Tool below:

The Best Investment Research Tool

In the world of investing research is the name of the game, grab the best Investment Research Tool below:
Benzinga Pro is a high-quality trading tool that has the potential to level up your portfolio's performance. It offers a real-time newsfeed filtering earnings releases, analyst ratings, rumors, the biggest movers, stock signals and much more!
Benzinga Pro is a high-quality trading tool that has the potential to level up your portfolio's performance. It offers a real-time newsfeed filtering earnings releases, analyst ratings, rumors, the biggest movers, stock signals and much more!

Freelance Marketplaces

Freelance marketplaces allow people a chance to start getting paid to do what they love.

Freelance Marketplaces

Freelance marketplaces allow people a chance to start getting paid to do what they love.
Fiverr.com is an excellent opportunity for work from home side hustles. Freelance opportunities include: graphic design, website creation, video editing, NFT art, copywriting, mobile app development, etc.
Upwork is essentially the same platform as Fiverr. The main differences are potentially higher quality of work and higher contract prices. Freelance opportunities include: graphic design, IT development, admin & customer support, sales & marketing, etc.
Fiverr.com is an excellent opportunity for work from home side hustles. Freelance opportunities include: Graphic Design, Website Creation, Video Editing, NFT art, Copywriting, Mobile App Development, etc. Start earning on Fiverr!
Upwork is essentially the same platform as Fiverr. The main differences are potentially higher quality of work and higher contract prices. Freelance opportunities include: Graphic Design, IT Development, Admin & Customer Support, Sales & Marketing, etc. Start earning on Upwork!

Delivery Side Hustles

Delivery services provide convenience to both the end consumers and the delivery drivers. Drivers get a flexible work schedule and consumers get to have their food delivered to their home.

Delivery Side Hustles

Delivery services provide convenience to both the end consumers and the delivery drivers. Drivers get a flexible work schedule and consumers get to have their food delivered to their home.
Doordash is a delivery service for restaurants that allows their drivers full control over when and how much they work. You can dash near home or on vacation in a city you're visiting. The wide open scheduling makes it a great side hustle.
Instacart is a grocery delivery service that services all 50 states. Endless flexibility allows drivers to work when you want. This provides a great option for a side hustle that doesn't require set time obligations.

This review contains affiliate links and we may earn commissions, which help us continue to provide informational content.
Postmates is another food delivery service that allows drivers the opportunity to make some extra money on the side. Just like all the other delivery apps, Postmates allows their drivers to work when they want.

© 2023 All Rights Reserved - A-List Finance LLC

Doordash is a delivery service for restaurants that allows their drivers full control over when and how much they work. You can dash near home or on vacation in a city you're visiting and the wide open scheduling makes it a great side hustle. Start earning on Doordash!
Instacart is a grocery delivery service that services all 50 states. Endless flexibility allows you to work when you want. This provides a great option for a side hustle that doesn't require set time obligations. Start earning on Instacart!

This review contains affiliate links and we may earn commissions, which help us continue to provide informational content.
Postmates is another food delivery service that allows drivers the opportunity to make some extra money on the side. Just like all the other delivery apps, Postmates allows their drivers to work when they want. Start earning on Postmates!

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