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Beginner's Guide to Investing
Written by John Marsch on June. 21st 2022
The perks that come as an investor are so vast that not knowing how to invest actually costs more money than making a few mistakes along the way.

Who should invest?

Everyone. Everyone should invest in their education to learn how to invest. This can come in the form investing time to read an article or blog, purchasing and reading a book, practicing on an investment simulator, etc.

The actual act of investing should only be done once an individual has a solid foundation of practice and education within the world of investing.

Top 4 reasons why EVERYONE needs to Invest:

Inflation - Every year the purchasing power of the dollar decreases by an average of 2-3% as the price of goods and services increases by 2-3%. However, more recently, we are experiencing much higher rates of inflation and these rates are increasing. This means that money sitting in a savings account earning anything less than the rate of inflation (2-3%+) is actually losing value.

Example: The recent spike in gasoline prices. It was not so long ago that gas prices increased over a dollar per gallon. For some, the price to fill up a gas tank may have previously been $40 but is now more like $60. The rate of inflation in this example is 33%.

Compound Interest - The concept that over a long period of time, profits that have been made, can be reinvested to create even more profits. These new profits can then be used again and again to make new profits.

Example: You invest $1,000 and make a 10% profit, or $100. Now you have $1,100 to invest. You re-invest the full amount and make another profit of 10%, or $110.

Even though you made the same percentage return of 10% both times you invested, the second time you invested you made an additional $10 profit. This is because you re-invested your previous profit of $100 along with the initial $1,000. As you continue to reinvest your profits over and over they will continue to grow the size of your account at a faster rate.

Opportunity Cost - The imaginary cost incurred when choosing to do one thing over another.

Example: Say Billy is faced with the option to buy a $1,000 iPhone or $1,000 worth of Apple stock. Let’s say the stock price ends up going up 10%. This means that if Billy chose to buy the stock, he would now have $1,100. If Billy instead chose to buy the phone, he would have missed out on the chance to make $100. In this scenario the opportunity cost is the $100 Billy could've profited if he chose to invest instead of buying the iPhone.

Opportunity Cost Compounded - The true cost of spending a dollar today. 

In addition to the cost of spending a dollar today, opportunity cost compounded accounts for the loss of potential profits from not investing the dollar you spent today. The infinite loss of compound interest that could have been earned on the dollar over the course of an entire lifetime is the true cost of spending a dollar today.

When to start Investing:

The very first thing you should do is invest a little bit of time to create a budget. When creating your budget, set aside some money to invest in your education and some money that you will be able to invest later on when you have experience and the proper education. As you will learn very quickly, the more money you have to invest with, the higher the potential return you can make.

Example: Earning 10%  profit on an initial balance of $100 only creates $10 in profit. However, earning 10% profit on an initial balance of $100,000 creates $10,000 in profit.

Takeaway - The more money you have to invest, the more money you have the potential to make.

Rather than immediately investing your life's savings, instead you should play around in an investment simulator. Stocktrak is an amazing investment simulator that allows users to trade real time with fake money. You get all of the experience with none of the risk! The best part is that the simulator is super cheap and easy to use!

Users can trade simple securities like stocks and bonds to more advanced securities like stock options and cryptocurrencies. Investment simulators are the best way to learn about investing. You're able try new investment strategies risk free. No matter the outcome, you always learn. 

If you were able to use a new strategy multiples times to make a profit, then you might be onto a good strategy. On the other hand, if you consistently are taking losses, that's also good as it just means you need to do the opposite of your current strategy. 

Remember this key strategy: buy low and sell high!

Once you have been able to consistently pull profits with some investment strategies, this is the time to test it in the real market. Before you go making any significant plays in the market with a lot of real money, take your time to practice a few real plays with smaller amounts that you can afford to lose. Investing can be emotionally difficult, so it is best to stay in your comfort zone.

Where can I Invest?

Investing can be done in many different investment apps. Most of these apps function the same and their purpose is to buy and sell securities using a standard brokerage account. Upon signing up for a brokerage account, using any of these apps, you will have immediate access to transfer money to your brokerage account so that you can begin investing.

A few important things to note: The main United States stock market exchanges are open from 9:30am-4pm EST Monday through Friday and are closed on the weekends and national holidays. Cryptocurrency is available to be traded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Depending on the type of securities you're looking to invest into, some apps may be better suited for your needs than others.

The 3 things that impact the success of all Investors

When it comes to the "How to's" of investing, there are many ways to go about investing with no real right or wrong answer. Some people want smaller, safer returns and other people are willing to take on a bit more risk for a higher potential reward. There is no one size fits all in the world of investing.

With that said, one of the most traded types of securities out there are stocks. There are three things that impact the success of all investors:

1. Strategy - The plan created to achieve the investor's goal.

There are an infinite number of strategies that can be utilized to achieve a goal. It is important to align the strategy with the objectives of the goal.

If the goal is to make a small and safe return, invest in something like Certificate's of Deposit (CD's) which earn an average of 2-3%.

If the goal is to beat the stock markets average annual return of 8-10%, invest in more volatile stocks.

The purpose of a strategy is to reach the desired goals of an investor.

2. Execution - How the strategy is actually carried out.

An investor's execution is heavily impacted by their mindset and emotions. When you’re making thousands of dollars off of the simple click of a button, it feel like an extreme high. Alternatively, when you’re losing thousands of dollars in mere seconds, the lows can be low. How you deal with these changes in the value of your investment is reflective of your mindset, which will determine the execution of your plan.

When it comes to investing in stocks, for example, where your goal is to make capital gains, the only two points in time that matter are when you bought the stock and when you sold the stock. Everything in between these two moments don’t matter. If you are up 10% before you sell, it is considered a paper gain and when you are down 10% before you sell, it is considered a paper loss because it is only true in the current moment. The outcome of your investment will only be set in stone when you sell the stock.

Having the proper emotional control is important when dealing with the highs and lows. 

If you cannot control your greed when your investment reaches your desired percentage return outlined in your strategy, then you may choose not to sell the stock at the previously desired amount. Then the stock could potentially take a turn and drop in value for an extended period of time. 

Takeaway: Nobody ever went broke from taking a profit. 

If your investment is experiencing a sharp drop in value and you cannot control your fear of losing your money, you might secure a significant loss as opposed to securing your goal.

Takeaway: Patience is key. 

3. Investment Pick - How the investment actually performs

There are many factors outside of the control of investors that impact how an investment actually performs. For this reason, most advisors say that investing should be played like a long term game. Most of the things that can impact an investments profitability in the short term are not going to have as much impact in the long term.

The best way to be successful as an investor is to only invest with money you won't need in the near future. Be patient, do your research and get experience on an investment simulator before investing with your hard earned cash. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes.

As an investor, it is important to stay on top of any news related to your investments. This enables you to make the best financial decisions to meet your needs. 

Benzinga Pro makes filtering different news sources for relevant information a breeze. If you have your hard earned money invested, it is definitely beneficial to stay in-the-know of anything that can impact the value of your investment.

Benzinga Pro has many different resources that allow you to customize and filter all the noise on Wall Street so that you only get things of relevance to you and your strategy. This can save you a lot of time and money.

We highly recommend giving Benzinga Pro's two week free trial a chance. Benzinga Pro has many different resources you can access during this free trial period including a free 1 hour course that can help you understand all of the capabilities of the software and how you can customize the experience to meet your needs.

In Conclusion

You don't want to miss out on the passive earning power that investing can offer. Before actually investing in securities, it is more important to invest in your education. Start with an investment simulator and create a budget so that you can position yourself to be in a place where you can start receiving the rewards that come from investing.
What is Investing?
Investing is the art of using money to generate even more money. There are an infinite number of possibilities to invest. In this instance we are going to focus on investing in the form of investing in securities such as stocks and cryptocurrency.

About Author: John Marsch

Entrepreneur and Investor. John believes that the easiest money to be made is money made as an investor. He regularly practiced investing on StockTrak.com during his college career. After college, he was able to transfer the lessons learned to the real market to make astounding returns.
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Tired of being stuck in the same old, dead end job? Maybe you're thinking about starting one of these side hustles, here's what you need to know...
The Marketing Online Mastermind Starts This Friday! Make Sure to Sign Up Today!
What is Investing?
Investing is the art of using money to generate even more money. There are an infinite number of possibilities to invest. In this instance we are going to focus on investing in the form of investing in securities such as stocks and cryptocurrency.
Beginner's Guide to Investing
Written by John Marsch on June. 21st 2022
The perks that come as an investor are so vast that not knowing how to invest actually costs more money than making a few mistakes along the way.

Who should invest?

Everyone. Everyone should invest in their education to learn how to invest. This can come in the form investing time to read an article or blog, purchasing and reading a book, practicing on an investment simulator, etc.

The actual act of investing should only be done once an individual has a solid foundation of practice and education within the world of investing.

Top 4 reasons why EVERYONE needs to Invest:

Inflation - Every year the purchasing power of the dollar decreases by an average of 2-3% as the price of goods and services increases by 2-3%. However, more recently, we are experiencing much higher rates of inflation and these rates are increasing. This means that money sitting in a savings account earning anything less than the rate of inflation (2-3%+) is actually losing value.

Example: The recent spike in gasoline prices. It was not so long ago that gas prices increased over a dollar per gallon. For some, the price to fill up a gas tank may have previously been $40 but is now more like $60. The rate of inflation in this example is 33%.

Compound Interest - The concept that over a long period of time, profits that have been made, can be reinvested to create even more profits. These new profits can then be used again and again to make new profits.

Example: You invest $1,000 and make a 10% profit, or $100. Now you have $1,100 to invest. You re-invest the full amount and make another profit of 10%, or $110.

Even though you made the same percentage return of 10% both times you invested, the second time you invested you made an additional $10 profit. This is because you re-invested your previous profit of $100 along with the initial $1,000. As you continue to reinvest your profits over and over they will continue to grow the size of your account at a faster rate.

Opportunity Cost - The imaginary cost incurred when choosing to do one thing over another.

Example: Say Billy is faced with the option to buy a $1,000 iPhone or $1,000 worth of Apple stock. Let’s say the stock price ends up going up 10%. This means that if Billy chose to buy the stock, he would now have $1,100. If Billy instead chose to buy the phone, he would have missed out on the chance to make $100. In this scenario the opportunity cost is the $100 Billy could've profited if he chose to invest instead of buying the iPhone.

Opportunity Cost Compounded - The true cost of spending a dollar today. 

In addition to the cost of spending a dollar today, opportunity cost compounded accounts for the loss of potential profits from not investing the dollar you spent today. The infinite loss of compound interest that could have been earned on the dollar over the course of an entire lifetime is the true cost of spending a dollar today.

When to start Investing:

The very first thing you should do is invest a little bit of time to create a budget. When creating your budget, set aside some money to invest in your education and some money that you will be able to invest later on when you have experience and the proper education. As you will learn very quickly, the more money you have to invest with, the higher the potential return you can make.

Example: Earning 10%  profit on an initial balance of $100 only creates $10 in profit. However, earning 10% profit on an initial balance of $100,000 creates $10,000 in profit.

Takeaway - The more money you have to invest, the more money you have the potential to make.

Rather than immediately investing your life's savings, instead you should play around in an investment simulator. Stocktrak is an amazing investment simulator that allows users to trade real time with fake money. You get all of the experience with none of the risk! The best part is that the simulator is super cheap and easy to use!

Users can trade simple securities like stocks and bonds to more advanced securities like stock options and cryptocurrencies. Investment simulators are the best way to learn about investing. You're able try new investment strategies risk free. No matter the outcome, you always learn. 

If you were able to use a new strategy multiples times to make a profit, then you might be onto a good strategy. On the other hand, if you consistently are taking losses, that's also good as it just means you need to do the opposite of your current strategy. 

Remember this key strategy: buy low and sell high!

Once you have been able to consistently pull profits with some investment strategies, this is the time to test it in the real market. Before you go making any significant plays in the market with a lot of real money, take your time to practice a few real plays with smaller amounts that you can afford to lose. Investing can be emotionally difficult, so it is best to stay in your comfort zone.

Where can I Invest?

Investing can be done in many different investment apps. Most of these apps function the same and their purpose is to buy and sell securities using a standard brokerage account. Upon signing up for a brokerage account, using any of these apps, you will have immediate access to transfer money to your brokerage account so that you can begin investing.

A few important things to note: The main United States stock market exchanges are open from 9:30am-4pm EST Monday through Friday and are closed on the weekends and national holidays. Cryptocurrency is available to be traded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Depending on the type of securities you're looking to invest into, some apps may be better suited for your needs than others.

The 3 things that impact the success of all Investors

When it comes to the "How to's" of investing, there are many ways to go about investing with no real right or wrong answer. Some people want smaller, safer returns and other people are willing to take on a bit more risk for a higher potential reward. There is no one size fits all in the world of investing.

With that said, one of the most traded types of securities out there are stocks. There are three things that impact the success of all investors:

1. Strategy - The plan created to achieve the investor's goal.

There are an infinite number of strategies that can be utilized to achieve a goal. It is important to align the strategy with the objectives of the goal.

If the goal is to make a small and safe return, invest in something like Certificate's of Deposit (CD's) which earn an average of 2-3%.

If the goal is to beat the stock markets average annual return of 8-10%, invest in more volatile stocks.

The purpose of a strategy is to reach the desired goals of an investor.

2. Execution - How the strategy is actually carried out.

An investor's execution is heavily impacted by their mindset and emotions. When you’re making thousands of dollars off of the simple click of a button, it feel like an extreme high. Alternatively, when you’re losing thousands of dollars in mere seconds, the lows can be low. How you deal with these changes in the value of your investment is reflective of your mindset, which will determine the execution of your plan.

When it comes to investing in stocks, for example, where your goal is to make capital gains, the only two points in time that matter are when you bought the stock and when you sold the stock. Everything in between these two moments don’t matter. If you are up 10% before you sell, it is considered a paper gain and when you are down 10% before you sell, it is considered a paper loss because it is only true in the current moment. The outcome of your investment will only be set in stone when you sell the stock.

Having the proper emotional control is important when dealing with the highs and lows. 

If you cannot control your greed when your investment reaches your desired percentage return outlined in your strategy, then you may choose not to sell the stock at the previously desired amount. Then the stock could potentially take a turn and drop in value for an extended period of time. 

Takeaway: Nobody ever went broke from taking a profit. 

If your investment is experiencing a sharp drop in value and you cannot control your fear of losing your money, you might secure a significant loss as opposed to securing your goal.

Takeaway: Patience is key. 

3. Investment Pick - How the investment actually performs

There are many factors outside of the control of investors that impact how an investment actually performs. For this reason, most advisors say that investing should be played like a long term game. Most of the things that can impact an investments profitability in the short term are not going to have as much impact in the long term.

The best way to be successful as an investor is to only invest with money you won't need in the near future. Be patient, do your research and get experience on an investment simulator before investing with your hard earned cash. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes.

As an investor, it is important to stay on top of any news related to your investments. This enables you to make the best financial decisions to meet your needs. 

Benzinga Pro makes filtering different news sources for relevant information a breeze. If you have your hard earned money invested, it is definitely beneficial to stay in-the-know of anything that can impact the value of your investment.

Benzinga Pro has many different resources that allow you to customize and filter all the noise on Wall Street so that you only get things of relevance to you and your strategy. This can save you a lot of time and money.

We highly recommend giving Benzinga Pro's two week free trial a chance. Benzinga Pro has many different resources you can access during this free trial period including a free 1 hour course that can help you understand all of the capabilities of the software and how you can customize the experience to meet your needs.

In Conclusion

You don't want to miss out on the passive earning power that investing can offer. Before actually investing in securities, it is more important to invest in your education. Start with an investment simulator and create a budget so that you can position yourself to be in a place where you can start receiving the rewards that come from investing.

About Author: John Marsch

Entrepreneur and Investor. John believes that the easiest money to be made is money made as an investor. He regularly practiced investing on StockTrak.com during his college career. After college, he was able to transfer the lessons learned to the real market to make astounding returns.
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Investing Resources

Investing Resources

The Best Educational Resource

Investing in education is a must. When you have your life savings on the line, you need to be a subject matter expert.

The Best Educational Resource

Investing in education is a must. When you have your life savings on the line, you need to be a subject matter expert.
In our opinion, StockTrak has the BEST online investment simulator. Users have the ability to practice trading real time with fake money. Starting with $1,000,000.00, users can invest in any stock, stock option, mutual fund, bond, cryptocurrency, etc. without any risk! Practice investing with StockTrak!
In our opinion, StockTrak has the BEST online investment simulator. Users have the ability to practice trading real time with fake money. Starting with $1,000,000.00, users can invest in any stock, stock option, mutual fund, bond, cryptocurrency, etc. without any risk!

The Best Investment Research Tool

In the world of investing, research is the name of the game. Grab the best Investment Research Tool below:

The Best Investment Research Tool

In the world of investing, research is the name of the game. Grab the best Investment Research Tool below:
Benzinga Pro is a high-quality trading tool that has the potential to level up your portfolio's performance. It offers a real-time newsfeed filtering earnings releases, analyst ratings, rumors, the biggest movers, stock signals and much more! Start your free trail today!
Benzinga Pro is a high-quality trading tool that has the potential to level up your portfolio's performance. It offers a real-time newsfeed filtering earnings releases, analyst ratings, rumors, the biggest movers, stock signals and much more!

Investing Apps

There are many different places where you can make investments, but the easiest way is to invest using mobile apps.

Investing Apps

There are many different places where you can make investments, but the easiest way is to invest using mobile apps.
M1 Finance let's manage your finances with ease. Invest, borrow, and spend on one intuitive platform. Customize your strategies, automate the big picture, and let The Finance Super App take care of the day-to-day—commission-free. Start investing with M1 Finance!
Betterment uses automated technology to make investing easier, better, and more accessible. They custom-build portfolios with low-cost, diversified ETFs and automatically adjust your portfolio as new and better funds become available. Start investing with Betterment!
Robinhood is an easy to use platform that let's you invest in stocks, stock options, ETFs and cryptocurrency. Other crypto exchanges charge up to 4% just to buy and sell crypto. Robinhood charges 0%. Get BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, and more with as little as $1. Start investing with Robinhood!
Stash is a personal finance app that can help anyone improve their financial life. From budgeting to saving for retirement, Stash unites banking, investing, and advice all in one app that helps over 6 million people reach their financial goals–all for one low monthly price. Start investing with Stash!
Webull offers an advanced and fully customizable desktop platform. You can consolidate your watchlists, analyze charts, place orders, and check your positions across all of Webull's platforms (mobile, PC, and web). Stay current with the markets and manage your investments wherever you are. Start investing with Webull!
Acorns helps you save and invest spare change by rounding up purchases to the nearest dollar. Bank smarter, add bits of Bitcoin to your ETF portfolio, and more. Signing up only takes minutes! Start investing with Acorns!
M1 Finance let's manage your finances with ease. Invest, borrow, and spend on one intuitive platform. Customize your strategies, automate the big picture, and let The Finance Super App take care of the day-to-day—commission-free.
Betterment uses automated technology to make investing easier, better, and more accessible. They custom-build portfolios with low-cost, diversified ETFs and automatically adjust your portfolio as new and better funds become available.
Robinhood is an easy to use platform that let's you invest in stocks, stock options, ETFs and cryptocurrency. Other crypto exchanges charge up to 4% just to buy and sell crypto. Robinhood charges 0%. Get BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, and more with as little as $1.
Stash is a personal finance app that can help anyone improve their financial life. From budgeting to saving for retirement, Stash unites banking, investing, and advice all in one app that helps over 6 million people reach their financial goals–all for one low monthly price.
Webull offers an advanced and fully customizable desktop platform. You can consolidate your watchlists, analyze charts, place orders, and check your positions across all of Webull's platforms (mobile, PC, and web). Stay current with the markets and manage your investments wherever you are.
Acorns helps you save and invest spare change by rounding up purchases to the nearest dollar. Bank smarter, add bits of Bitcoin to your ETF portfolio, and more. Signing up only takes minutes!

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