Knowing how to properly manage a Credit Card is the difference between ending up in a cycle of crippling debt or receiving a random check for $100 or more every few months from the Credit Card company.
These are the guidelines needed to properly manage a Credit Card:
• Only open Credit Cards you plan to keep open for extended periods of time - The average age of a credit account affects your Credit Score. The older the average, the better. Opening a ton of new Credit Cards is NOT a good idea. Every time you apply for new credit it will drop your Credit Score by 5-10 points for about a year. While this is seemingly not a large change, applying for multiple Credit Cards in a short period of time can have a more negative impact on your overall Credit Score. The key takeaway: Open new Credit Cards sparingly.
• ALWAYS pay off the full STATEMENT balance - This single act is the make or break for proper Credit Card management. Being able to pay off the entire statement balance month after month is the only thing that makes it possible to receive the full benefits a Credit Card has to offer, without incurring any additional fees. Doing anything else will negatively impact your Credit Score and it will cost you interest on the borrowed funds. There are two things that make this process easy to manage: 1. Auto Debit 2. Budgeting
• Auto-Debit is a MUST - The moment you get approved for your new Credit Card, take the couple of minutes needed to set-up auto debit. Make sure to setup auto debit for the FULL statement balance. Doing this will prevent you from incurring outrageous interest rates that are generally 25% and up. Setting up auto debit also ensures that you will not miss out on payments which will increase your credibility to creditors therefore, increasing your Credit Score.
• Building a budget / Monitoring how much you spend - Building a budget is easy, but following one can be difficult for some individuals. We have included a free budgeting template so that you can easily keep track of your expenses so that you DO NOT spend more than you make.
The whole point of having the Credit Card is for the perks. If you can limit the Credit Cards you open to only the necessary ones, be diligent in setting up auto debit for the full statement balance and monitor your spending so you don't overspend, then a Credit Card will be safe in your hands!
If the Credit Card is not properly managed, it can be very dangerous to your financial health. If you cannot, or will not monitor how much you spend, steer clear of any Credit until you are willing to do the basics needed benefit from having it.
• To get the most from your Credit Card - Assuming a Credit Card is the right choice for you, these are the best ways to maximize your perks:
For all of your everyday purchases, stop using cash and your debit card, only use your credit card. It only makes sense that you should only use your Credit Card to buy everything within your budget as it gives you cash back. If the cash back perks you receive are 1.5% then every time you spend on your Credit Card you save 1.5% of the total cost. In some cases, Credit Cards have increased cash back rewards for certain spending habits like 5% cash back on restaurants etc. It is good to know this, but it shouldn't be a reason for you to go out to eat on a night when you planned to save money by eating at home. Stay within your budget.